Scholastic Activites

1.3 Curriculum Areas at Secondary Level 

The secondary school curriculum acknowledges the fact that subjects like language, mathematics, science and social studies help the cognitive development of the child and, therefore require a greater academic emphasis. Further, CBSE also envisions the all-round development of students in consonance with the holistic approach to education and therefore, emphasize integration of co-curricular domains with curricular activities in an equitable manner. In operational sense, the secondary curriculum is learner-centered with school being a place where students would be acquiring various skills; building self-concept, sense of enterprise, aesthetic sensibilities and sportsmanship. Therefore, for the purpose of fostering core competencies in learners, this curriculum encompasses seven major learning areas, from scholastic and co scholastic point of view.

 Languages Scholastic Areas 

Social Sciences Mathematics 

Science Health and Physical Education                                     Co-scholastic Areas 

Art Education                                                                                   Scholastic Areas:- 

The curriculum envisages individualized learning acumen and seeks to explore the potential of students in acquiring substantial acknowledge and skills through academic rigors. With greater academic orientation and research skills in core academic areas, students would evolve as judicious young adults with a sense of real self-estimate having true values and principles. 

The scholastic areas are as follows: 

(i) Languages include Hindi, English and other 36 languages (detailed in Curriculum Volume II). The curricula in languages focus on listening, speaking, reading and writing skills and, hence, develop effective communicative proficiencies. Learners use language to comprehend, acquire and communicate ideas in an effective manner. 

(ii) Social Sciences (Geography, History, Economics and Political Science) intends to make learners understand their cultural, geographical and historical milieus and gain in-depth knowledge, attitude, skills and values necessary to bring about transformation for a better world. Social Science include the learning of history and culture, geographical environment, global institutions, constitutional values and norms, politics, economy, interpersonal and societal interactions, civic responsibilities and the incorporation of the above-mentioned learning. Learners appreciate and value everyone’s right to feel respected and safe, and, also understand their Fundamental Rights and Duties and behave responsibly in the society. 

(iii) Science (Biology, Chemistry and Physics etc.) includes gaining knowledge about Food, Materials, The World of The Living, How Things Work, Moving Things, People and Ideas, Natural Phenomenon and Natural Resources. The focus is on knowledge and skills to develop a scientific attitude and to use and apply such knowledge for improving the quality of life. This learning can be used to analyze, evaluate, synthesize and create. Learners understand and appreciate the physical, biological and technological world and acquire the knowledge and develop attitude, skills and values to make rational decisions in relation to it. 

(iv) Mathematics includes acquiring the concepts related to number sense, operation sense, computation, measurement, geometry, probability and statistics, the skill to calculate and organize, and the ability to apply this knowledge and acquired skills in their daily life. It also includes understanding of the principles of reasoning and problem solving. Learners identify, integrate and apply numerical and spatial concepts and techniques. They have clarity of concepts and are able to connect them to the real world. Learners rationalize and reason about pre-defined arrangements, norms and relationships in order to comprehend, decode, validate and develop relevant patterns.